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From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - March 17, 2023

From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - March 17, 2023

DCA’s Board of Directors, past presidents and Government Relations Committee members spent last Thursday in Legislative Hall with Delaware’s public policy leaders. We had a good turnout from our members as well as our state’s legislators. Despite the fact that the General Assembly’s schedule was jammed with the numerous new specialty caucuses created over the past couple of years and committee meeting schedules now expanded into the late morning and mid-day, the event was able to draw legislators. We continued our easy going social approach allowing DCA’s members the chance to spend time with a cross section of the General Assembly’s members.

I was particularly pleased that our event had leadership from both the House and Senate Majority and Minority caucuses who made a point of speaking with all of our members. The purpose of an event like this is to strengthen the communication between DCA as the voice of the construction industry and those public policy makers writing laws impacting this critical portion of the state’s economy. We have good relationships with many who have served in the General Assembly over the past several sessions but with so many new members the work in making connections is more important now than ever. With that in mind, I was very pleased to see some of the newly elected General Assembly members sit with our members and enjoy a plate of BBQ while discussing important issues as well as just getting to know each other.

Governor Carney invited President John Everhart, Merit Construction Engineers, Senior Vice President Steve Dennis, Schlosser & Associates Mechanical, and myself to have a seat in his office and discuss issues ranging from workforce to the state’s historic investment in infrastructure. This aspect of DCA’s work is a constant effort at all levels of government. The vast majority of those serving in public office do not have a background in the construction industry so it is incumbent upon us to be a resource when public policy impacting the industry is being considered. Whether it’s legislation in our state’s capitol or most recently being asked to provide comment and support for legislation being introduced by Congresswoman Blunt-Rochester or communicating the impact of New Castle County ordinances focused on development with the Meyer administration, DCA is in every conversation that is important to the construction industry.

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