From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - November 3, 2023

From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - November 3, 2023
This week DelDOT held its 2023 DBE & Small Business Summit, Real Talk, Real Opportunities. This is the culmination of a networking campaign by the Department to connect Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and small businesses seeking to provide services on DelDOT projects with Prime Contractors. Leading up to the Summit, the Department held three networking events, one in each county, which spurred several DCA members to hold open houses for DBEs at their offices.
I was pleased to act as the moderator for the events Prime Contractor panel. Three of the five panelists were from engineering firms. The Chair of the DCA DelDOT Liaison Committee, Chris Magdefrau, Eastern Highway Specialist, and DCA DelDOT Laison Committee member, Nick Hetrick, R. E. Pierson, made up the balance of the panelists. Eastern Highway Specialists and R. E. Pierson have been highly engaged in this year’s DelDOT DBE effort, both holding DBE open houses.
The panel discussion was really an opportunity to pull the curtain back and show the challenges both Prime Contractors and DBEs and small businesses face in trying to expand opportunity and still meet owners expectations. We covered what a DBE can do to build its relationship with Prime Contractors. What steps Prime Contractors take to mentor or assist DBEs so they can learn, grow and be successful. How and why Prime Contractors seek specific categories of DBEs as they are working to meet their project targets.
DCA’s members’ representation went beyond the panel. Bob Field, Eastern Highway Specialist, led an afternoon workshop on Bidding for Success! Len Brooks, George & Lynch, shared observations during the Prime Contractor panel and A-Del Construction got a shout-out from the Department during the meeting as another company that is having an impact on this effort.
With over 200 participants, I would say this year’s summit was a success. I was able to reconnect with several DBE contractors who I’ve gotten to know over the past year and make introductions to some of our members in attendance. The campaign type approach the Department took this year, led by DCA member Marcella Soboria, Qua Marketing, created opportunities and connections that did not previously exist. Hopefully, this type of energy and thought will continue and we can all grow together.