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From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - September 16, 2022

From the Desk of Executive Director Bryon Short - September 16, 2022

The DCA building saw a lot of activity this week with standing committee meetings, our quarterly Board of Directors meeting and the quarterly DCA DelDOT Liaison Committee meeting. We also played host to a quarterly meeting of non-profit executive directors heading up organizations like ours that have smaller staffs. Following so many virtual meetings, it’s good to see our building getting used in an active manner again and to have such a nice space for face-to-face meetings.

The Special Events Committee discussed this week’s CACC Fall Luncheon, fall golf outing and clay shoot, the October 28 Fort Delaware ghost tour, football Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz as our 2022 Annual Diner keynote speaker, and how to make our 2023 events even better. The Education and Training Committee reviewed the state required flatwork training and anti-sexual harassment training DCA offers our members to help them ensure compliance with state code. The DCA DelDOT Liaison Committee, an incredibly influential and productive committee, had a good turnout of members along with the DelDot’s leadership team.

A critical function of the DCA DelDOT Liaison Committee is working together to enhance communication between the Department and DCA’s large Highway Contractor Group. With all of us receiving so many emails it’s easy for communications to get missed or to land in the email box of the wrong person. An important agenda item for this week's meeting was DelDOT’s triennial Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal setting required by the Federal Highway Administration. The Department sent out a survey to vendors seeking input on the challenges and opportunities of the state’s DBE program for transportation projects. This is an important outreach from the Department that may have been missed by some of our impacted contractors, so I want to bring it to your attention.

DCA’s Highway Group is an important component of what makes our organization unique, and its voice is needed to help shape the state’s development of DBE goals and implementation of related policies. If your company performs work for DelDOT, please take ten minutes to complete the Department’s Office of Civil Rights survey at The deadline for completing the survey is September 23.

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